Customized Fat Loss

dimanche 26 août 2012

Old School New Body

Did you know that once you hit 40 years of age, whether you're a man or a women, your body starts aging FASTER than normal? Studies have shown that without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes
Click Here!

Body Lisous

Full Body Licious is a dedicated workout plan for women. This is an intense exercise plan with a specific goal: to help women burn off a lot of body fat and get in exceptional shape.
Developed by Flavia DelMonte, a rn and a professional health and fitness coach, Full Body Licious is a full fitness program which provides a new approach for ladies' fitness and concentrate on sculpting the woman's muscle groups while getting rid of the stubborn layer of fats overlaying them on the same time in an effort to get the "fitness model" shape in a natural way and without huge bulky muscles. 

jeudi 23 août 2012

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases kill more people worldwide than any other single cause. Infectious diseases are caused by germs. Germs are tiny living things that are found everywhere - in air, soil and water. You can get infected by touching, eating, drinking or breathing something that contains a germ. Germs can also spread through animal and insect bites, kissing and sexual contact. Vaccines, proper hand washing and medicines can help prevent infections.

There are four main kinds of germs:

Bacteria - one-celled germs that multiply quickly and may release chemicals which can make you sick
Viruses - capsules that contain genetic material, and use your own cells to multiply
Fungi - primitive plants, like mushrooms or mildew
Protozoa - one-celled animals that use other living things for food and a place to live

Sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread primarily through person-to-person sexual contact. There are more than 30 different sexually transmissible bacteria, viruses and parasites.

The most common conditions they cause are gonorrhoea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chancroid, genital herpes, genital warts, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and hepatitis B infection.

Several, in particular HIV and syphilis, can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth, and through blood products and tissue transfer

mercredi 22 août 2012

Olive pain reliever

It appears to be true. New research suggests that extra-virgin olive oil contains a compound called oleocanthal that acts in the same way ibuprofen does to relieve pain. Scientists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia reported in the August 31, 2005 issue of the journal Nature that oleocanthal acts as a natural anti-inflammatory by inhibiting COX-2 enzymes in the same way ibuprofen does. COX-2 enzymes take part in the process of joint inflammation that can lead to arthritis pain

Breastfeeding protects against diabetes

This case control study compared the frequency and duration of breastfeeding between siblings where one sibling had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus and other siblings had not. The results showed that while there was no difference in breastfeeding rates among the two groups, the children with diabetes had a shorter duration of breastfeeding (3.3 vs. 4.6 months, p<0.001) and the diabetic group was exposed earlier to cow's milk. After controlling for other associated variables it was shown that a longer duration of breastfeeding was associated with a protective effect against diabetes. The authors concluded that a shorter breastfeeding interval may contribute to type 1 diabetes mellitus.

When is the Best Time to Sleep?

So many articles have been written about the fact that adults need about 8 hours of sleep per night. The fact is, that some people may need more or less. The real question should be, WHEN are you getting your sleep!

You can get a full 8 hours of sleep but if you went to bed at 2am and woke up at 10am, you will not be in tip top shape. Definitely not compared to if you slept at 10pm and woke up at 6am. It’s crucial to have not only the right amount of sleep, but to also sleep at the right time. The best time range to go to bed to help you wake up in great shape is between 9pm and midnight. This is for adults 18-45 years of age. Older people tend to sleep earlier than that due to their age and their lack of energy, which is normal. If you go to sleep later than midnight, even with the right amount of hours you need, it is still not optimal sleep for you.

Sleeping is filled with mysteries even to this day. We don’t really know truly why we sleep exactly, but it seems that when the sun goes down, we should go to sleep as well! Let me tell you, I’ve dealt with insomnia for years. I’ve had extremely odd sleeping patterns. I would go to bed at 1-2am because I was working so much, and even with adequate sleeping hours, I was always tired and out of energy throughout the day. So I changed my pattern. I decided to go to bed earlier, usually between 10pm and midnight, and by 6am, I would wake up on my own. That’s right, I don’t need an alarm clock anymore  Waking up when you want to wake up and not because you have to is a great feeling! To do that, you need to sleep at the right time.

To help you get adequate sleep, don’t do anything too physically or mentally strenuous at least 2 hours before your bed time. As well, don’t eat a relatively large meal close to your sleep time. Make sure you use your bed to sleep and not to watch TV. This will train your mind to associate your bedroom with sleep and nothing else. Leave your stress and worries at your bedroom door! Clear your thoughts and just enjoy your sleep. Try this and you will be surprised how early your eyes will open on their own. Also, you will notice an increase in your energy throughout your day, and while it’s normal to get tired by 8-9pm, that will only make it that much easier to fall asleep by 10-11pm.

To fix your sleeping cycle, either try to not sleep an entire night so that by early evening you will be so tired you will sleep earlier, or do an activity that requires a lot of mental or physical energy, so that you will be drained and needy of sleep to regenerate. Just like that, you can fix your sleeping issues. If I can do it, and I was a BIG insomniac for years, then you can to. When it comes to sleep, keep in mind that timing is everything

Do not take pills with COOL water

Do not take pills with cold water because there are chances that reactions may occur in your body
than hot or plain water,so it is good to take pills with out cold water.

Do not drink coffee TWICE a day

I enjoy drinking several cups of coffee a day, but I never really knew whether I should or should not drink this stuff. Is it bad for me, or is it good for me? Does it really have an effect, or do I think it has an effect? I know the latter can be true, as one of my former colleagues once said to feel much more awake after drinking a decaf (without knowing).

So to put an end to ignorance, I did some research. And it contradicts a little. So for your enjoyment, 5 reasons to drink coffee, and 5 to don’t drink it.

5 reasons to drink coffee

It heightens your senses
Coffee has several effects on your awareness, your senses and your mental capabilities. Albeit on a short term only, there are no lasting effects. Coffee contains caffeine, but is also known to stimulate the production of cortisone and adrenaline . These are hormones that prepare your body for a fight or flight response .
They make you very aware! But you can feel a little stressed out as well…

It protects against diabetes
Drinking coffee reduces the risk of getting diabetes mellitus type 2 . This is the type where body tissues become resistant to insulin. Obesity, among a lot of other factors, is currently a major cause for diabetes type 2.

Drinking coffee reduces the risk up to 50% (when ingested at 7 cups a day), but it has a linear effect. So even a single cup of coffee a day, effectively reduces this risk a little.
It protects the brain
It won’t make you smarter, but studies have shown that caffeine has a positive impact on protecting from brain diseases. In this study  published by the Harvard School of Public Health a beneficial effect of caffeine was found for preventing Parkinson’s disease when consumed in moderate quantities, both for men and women. For women though, the effects needed more research (sorry…).
But it doesn’t stop at Parkinson’s, there are also benefits for preventing Alzheimer and mild memory and thinking problems  for older men (no women in the tests…sorry) in general. So for men: this might help!

It contains antioxidants
Antioxidants are your friends! In short, they prevent free radicals from causing cell damage. This cell damage is related to aging processes, but also to many forms of cancer. There also seem to be relations to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, schizophrenia and other diseases of the brain.
And antioxidants prevent those free radicals from doing their destructive work. A certain antioxidant, methylpyridinium, has been found to specifically prevent colon cancer . Ain’t that great?

It makes and keeps you awake
Coffee, or better caffeine, doesn’t take away the need for sleep. It just postpones it a little, by making sure you don’t feel you need to sleep. That’s tricky, because your body is still in need of sleep, but you’re fooling your mind into not feeling that sensation.
But as long as you’re aware of this phenomenon, it can be very helpful at times. When you have to meet that deadline, or you have to drive that last half an hour to get home.

5 reasons not to drink coffee

It is addictive
Caffeine is a drug the body gets used to very quickly, this process is called tolerance adaptation. If taken in large enough quantities (900 – 1200mg a day) this can lead to a partial or full tolerance  in as quick as one to three weeks. An average cup of coffee contains 135mg of caffeine, so that’s 7 to 9 cups a day for an extended period of time.
When you stop ingesting caffeine, you get withdrawal symptoms. Among those symptoms are headaches, irritability and generally being unable to concentrate. These symptoms fade away fairly quickly too though. Usually within a couple of days. But most likely, you’ll have a new fix with a cup of coffee before that happens 

It disrupts sleeping patterns
While this can be a benefit (see the section above), when taken to extremes coffee (or caffeine actually) can result in serious sleeping disorders. Two of them are linked directly to the caffeine, but there are more that have a correlation. They are classified as psychiatric disorders .
It increases cholesterol
OK, usually it doesn’t. But when the coffee is made using the French Press  method, the coffee contains oils that increase LDL cholesterol levels (that’s the bad one ). This method of coffee making is popular among coffee lovers, as it has an authentic feel about it. But it is also commonly used among people that don’t drink coffee, as it’s a cheap way of being able to make coffee for guests.
It can cause headaches
Caffeine can both treat headaches or cause them. If you consume caffeine in certain levels (around 500mg a day), you are prone to withdrawal effects when reducing the amount. One of those effects is a headache. Coffee usually is the main source for caffeine ingestion, but there are many other sources , like tea, chocolate, soft drinks and a lot of pain relieving medicine!
The caffeine in those medicines, when used incorrectly or with too many other sources of caffeine, can lead to a phenomenon called rebound headaches . So if you suffer from headaches a lot, check your daily caffeine ingestion, you might take a tad too much.

It maintains unfair trade agreements with farmers
This may not be a health related issue, but an issue nevertheless. The raw material for coffee, the coffee beans, are mainly purchased from farmers in developing countries. Unfortunately there are a lot of small coffee farmers, selling to a limited group of companies buying coffee. And the prices and conditions they get are not very fair.
Thankfully there is an alternative with products that have been licensed by a Fair Trade organization. Fair Trade  (or Max Havelaar ) is a certificate that ensures that the coffee farmers have been paid a fair price for their product. This has many benefits for society in the developing countries, and it will only cost you a couple of cents extra.

My conclusion

I’ll be drinking my cups of coffee, but I’ll limit them to 3 or 4 a day. That gives me most of the benefits and keeps me clear of the potential downsides. Oh, and I’m drinking Fair Trade coffee whenever possible.

mardi 21 août 2012

My health and Herbal Medical

Herbal Medicine can be practiced alone or in conjunction with other modalities, such as psychotherapy, nutritional therapy, and even pharmacological medications. As a Certified Clinical Herbalist, I have a wide variety of knowledge about herbs, their history, usages, and contraindications.
In my training, I learned about the history of herbology and different systems of holistic thinking -- European/folk, Oriental, Ayurvedic, Hebrew, Christian, Pythagorean, American Indian, United States, Scientific, Biochemical, Intuitive, Clinical, and Medical Herbology systems -- I am able to practice a highly effective, integrated method of herbal medicine that combines the clinical and scientific method with the traditional, holistic, and energetic approaches.

Many psychotherapists understand the value of herbs. In the United States, the most well-known psychotherapist and herbalist is probably Stephen Harrod Buhner, award-winning author of over 10 books on herbal medicine, including Plant Spirit Healing, Sacred Plant Medicine, and The Lost Language of Plants.

During my education and experience with herbal medicine, I have learned the uses for more than 300 Eastern and Western herbs, including traditional folk uses of each herb plus modern scientific research documenting their therapeutic effectiveness and safety, and any potential side effects, contraindications, or drug interactions. A large portion of my 630 page book, Healing & Wholeness: Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Mental Health is devoted to discussing the use of herbal medicine and mental health.

The Art of Herbal Medicine

The practice of herbal medicine goes by many different names. Sometimes called herbology, botanical medicine or herbalism; in Europe, it’s referred to as phytotherapy. The therapeutic use of herbs is a practice that relies on the synergistic and curative properties of plants for their therapeutic or medicinal value.

Phytodrugs are mixtures of compounds extracted from one or more plants. Many phytoremedies have a wide range of benefits without the undesirable side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, and are therefore appropriate for long term use with chronic illnesses. For example, plant extracts from hypericum perforatum (commonly called St John's wort) are routinely used for treating mild to moderately severe depressive disorders.

The art of prescribing herbal medicine is difficult to learn in a scholastic setting. The study of herbs and their uses takes dedication and practice. Because herbs are powerful interactive substances, they should always be taken under the guidance of a qualified health practitioner. Additionally, I always advise consulting with your doctor and/or psychiatrist before using any herbal medicine, even over the counter preparations. I recommend consulting with your doctor before making any changes in your health regimen. Additionally, I often refer clients to other practitioners, such as medical doctors, psychiatrists, and other health professionals.

Where I Received My Herbology Training and Educational Experience

I was fortunate to receive my training and certification in Clinical Herbology from the Natural Healing Institute in San Diego, California. My training and educational experience taught me how useful herbal medicine can be for mental health. I often refer clients who are interested in herbal medicine to other herbalists who specialize in specific areas of herbology, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. By doing this, my clients always receive the best possible care.

Natural, Effective Remedies for Colds and Flu

Few people make it through the winter without a scratchy throat and an annoying runny nose. You can’t very well hold your breath all winter, but you can put your immune system in top-notch form to fight colds and flu by employing a variety of natural methods for hastening recovery and easing symptoms, such as herbal remedies, water therapy and supplements

Common Causes

The reasons many of us get winter colds and flu are numerous: One, we’re indoors with other people while windows and doors are closed. Two, viruses causing most respiratory infections are always mutating, and our immune systems have trouble handling these ever-changing germs. Three, viruses can survive on non-porous surfaces for hours. If you turn a door handle recently touched by a sneezing, sniffling person, then lift a hand to your nose, you’ve infected yourself. Four, some respiratory viruses, notably influenza, become airborne when someone coughs. You only need to inhale three tiny viruses to become sick.

Several families of viruses cause colds. This viral mafia produces runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and cough. Though symptoms are usually mild and gone within a week, colds produce rampant absenteeism from work and school.            

Influenza is not as common as colds, and vaccines can help prevent the infection. Two main types of influenza viruses — A and B — cause most cases of the flu. Influenza viruses spread in the air and via direct contact. Flu symptoms are usually dramatic, with sudden onset of chills, fever and muscle aches. Nasal congestion is not as marked, but the cough can take weeks or even months to resolve.

Take the Waters       

When you come down with a cold or the flu, your respiratory tract works hard to expel the invading viruses along a veritable “Slip ’n Slide” of mucus. Rather than drying those mucus secretions with an over-the-counter antihistamine, it’s better to accelerate the healing process by thinning them, thus making it easier to expel them.

The best way to thin mucus secretions is to add water to your system by drinking warm liquids, especially herbal teas and soup broth. If you have access to a steam shower, use it. If not, bring a quart-size pot of water to a boil, remove it from the stove and place your face a comfortable distance from the steam, then cover your head with a towel. Inhale through your nose if you’re stuffy, or through your mouth for chest congestion.

You can augment the power of steam by adding a handful of decongesting, antimicrobial herbs to the boiled water, then covering the pot and allowing them to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Herbalist Mindy Green, co-author of Aromatherapy: A Complete Guide to the Healing Art, recommends using eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary or peppermint leaves.

Women Who Orgasm During Breastfeeding

You don't have to feel ashamed -- it's perfectly natural. An expert tells us why.

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Dr. Wendy Walsh: When I was pregnant with my first child, I was hosting a show for TLC called "How'd They Do That?" And every day, my mind was asking the same question about pregnancy and breastfeeding. All my female coworkers became a petri dish for me as I probed their minds for information about what the heck was going on with my body.

I was the most nervous about successfully breastfeeding. Frankly, I had no idea how the two orbs with nerve endings directly connected to some pleasurable southern region could be converted into a cafeteria. One morning, as I sat in the makeup chair with my middle bursting with new life, I posed a seemingly crazy question: Could a woman have an orgasm while breastfeeding?

There was a pause. There was a sly smile from the makeup artist. The hairdresser hooted and hollered. Others just laughed their asses off. But I didn't take my eyes off the makeup artist.

Later, when we were alone, I asked her again. She smiled again. "It's more of a sensuous experience," she said, "not a sexual one. It feels warm and cuddly and pleasurable, but it's different from sex. If you had an orgasm, it wouldn't be on purpose."

Years later, I thought of this conversation. I was in one of my human sexuality classes in my psychology Ph.D. program, and we were learning that the nerve endings in our body can respond to physical stimulation even if our brain is not on board. In this case, we were talking about rape, and the confusing feelings that can happen to victims of rape when during this horrific crime they sometimes experience a spontaneous orgasm. What an awful thought.

When my first daughter was finally born (pried out after 42 weeks in the oven), breastfeeding was anything but pleasurable. I like to call the newborn phase of breastfeeding "the vampire weeks," as that tiny, violent, sucking machine increases milk supply. But after a few months, I realized my makeup artist was right. Totally pleasurable. But a far cry from sexual arousal.

As I continued to nurse, I read far and deep into the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and child. One thing I learned is that prolonged breastfeeding can help reduce your chances of getting breast cancer because it stops your periods and the monthly assault of estrogen on your breasts. That was enough for me, since my mother died of breast cancer. I continued on. I also learned that often babies suckle for comfort rather than from hunger, and that there are psychological benefits to this suckling. That sounded good too.

You saw the title of this article, so you know where I'm going here. I never, ever, mentally connected a breastfeeding experience with a sexual experience. The mental boundary was so great that I was convinced it was impossible. Then one night while I was sleeping, I had one of those fabulous dreams that, if a guy had had it, would have involved moisture. You've heard about them. I woke up from the dream to find that my tiny vampire had been doing some nocturnal suckling while I slept. Let me tell you, the experience totally freaked me out. And that was it. I had a co-sleeping bed beside me after that. I needed that bundle an arm's length away.

Later, in another human sexuality class, I asked my professor about this experience. She confirmed that it is possible and probably quite common, although people have feelings of shame about it. Pleasurable breastfeeding was probably one of nature's ways to make a survival behavior attractive. She also told me that many women quit breastfeeding for this reason. For some women, the feelings of an infant suckling can be so pleasurable that they feel it is somehow wrong. That made me feel sad too. Breastfeeding is not pedophilia. Nature brought mommies and babies together for one of the most physically pleasurable relationships on earth. Let them suckle -- and do enjoy it, ladies. It is such a short period in both of your lives. And if your body responds without your consent, relax. Just buy a co-sleeper bed.

precocious puberty

Puberty, usually occurring during adolescence, is when kidsdevelop physically and emotionally into young men and women.Usually, this starts to happen no earlier than about 7 to 8 yearsof age for girls and 9 years of age for boys (the average age isabout 10 for girls and 12 for boys).
But what if a younger child  for example, a 5-year-old girl begins showing the signs of puberty? How would it affect her?
Precocious puberty  the onset of signs of puberty before age 7or 8 in girls and age 9 in boys  can be physically and emotionallydifficult for kids and can sometimes be the sign of an underlyinghealth problem.

Signs of Precocious Puberty

In girls, the telltale signs of precocious puberty include any of thefollowing before 7 or 8 years of age:
  • breast development
  • pubic or underarm hair development
  • rapid height growth  a growth "spurt"
  • onset of menstruation
  • acne
  • "mature" body odor
In boys, the signs of precocious puberty before 9 years of ageinclude:
  • enlargement of the testicles or penis
  • pubic, underarm, or facial hair development
  • rapid height growth  a growth "spurt"
  • voice deepening
  • acne
  • "mature" body odor
Many kids who show some of the early signs of puberty havewhat's known as "partial" precocious puberty. Some girls, usuallybeginning between the ages of 6 months and 3 years, may showbreast development that later disappears or may persist withoutother physical changes of puberty.
Similarly, some girls and boys may experience early growth ofpubic and/or underarm hair that isn't associated with otherchanges in sexual development. Kids with "partial" precociouspuberty may require evaluation to rule out "true" precociouspuberty or other health problems, but they generally need notreatment and usually will show the other expected signs ofpuberty at the usual age.

Why do we have to eat radishes

Radish contains at carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fats, proteins, vitamins such as thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3) ‘acid, pantothenic (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B9, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. Radish has so many health benefits, and has a high nutritional value

Radish is a root vegetable, there are several varieties of it, such as white, red and black. Eaten fresh, cooked or pickled.

Radish contains at carbohydrates, dietary fiber, fats, proteins, vitamins such as thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3) ‘acid, pantothenic (vitamin B5), vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B9, vitamin C, calcium , iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc. Radish  has so many health benefits , and has a high nutritional value. And from health benefit:
Weight Loss

  The radish is an important part of diet for weight reduction, because it contains high levels of iron and magnesium that helps to rid the cell membranes of the fat, also is a radish lows calorie content, also because it contains a good percentage of the fiber gives a feeling of rapid saturation, and also because it high content of carbohydrate is not digestible, and water. So is the radish effective option for people who want to reduce weight.


Radish plays  important role in the treatment of infertility in men and women through strengthening fertility. Because radish is rich in nutrients necessary for the manufacture of sperm is strong, as well as his indirect role in the treatment of infertility, especially women, through its role in the melting of fat in the hip area and buttocks and abdomen, which may affect the work of the ovaries.

Kidney stones 

Drink radish juice regularity is the best way to treat and prevent kidney stones, radish juice works to break up kidney stones, as well as prevent new stones. As the radish is rich in potassium, which reduces the urinary excretion of calcium. Thereby reducing the risk of formation of kidney stones. Horseradish is also a diuretic, and to help in cleansing the urinary tract of wounds and infections.


Radish has the characteristics of cancer prevention. It provides protection against cancer in the digestive tract and lung cancer through the inhibition of the formation of carcinogens. Sulforaphane is a compound found in radish is responsible for the inhibition of carcinogens Studies have shown that the flavonoids found in radish may have a role in the eradication of cancer cells in the prostate and other cancer cells. Also showed research conducted at the University of the Indian jewels that the root of the radish plant is working to increase the rates of programmed death of cancer cells. In addition to lower rates of growth of cancer cells.

The skin 

The skin is a mirror of the health of our bodies. Skin diseases are indications that nutrient are not metabolized as it should, also did not get rid of toxic waste by the internal organs of the body fully. Can improve skin health through healthy food choices.

 Radish is useful for healthy skin is a good source of both potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, iron, amylase, sulfur is a mineral that helps maintain skin health and youth, the water in the radish helps to maintain moisture on the skin. Characteristics of radishes cleanser. So it helps to treat skin diseases, such as dryness, rashes, cracks.

Other benefits 

·       Radish is used for the treatment and prevention of colds, sore throat treatment. Because some of its components operate antibiotics.

·       Radish is rich phosphorus, calcium, it increases bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

·       Compound raphanin, and vitamin C works as an anti-bacterial and fungi.

·       Radish works to stimulate the appetite, and digestive juice diuretic. As well as the roots of radish juice is used for the treatment of the black poor digestion and constipation .

·       Prevent blood clots, lowers blood pressure Prevents coughing and asthma .

·       Promotes healthy teeth by preventing tooth decay. Because it contains a compound to stop the work of enzymes in the mouth that cause tooth decay.

·       Plays a role in the treatment of anemia because it is rich in the element iron Reduces the production of thyroid hormone naturally.

Acute liver failure

Acute liver failure (ALF) is an uncommon condition in which the rapid deterioration of liver function results in coagulopathy and alteration in the mental status of a previously healthy individual. Acute liver failure often affects young people and carries a very high mortality.

The term acute liver failure is used to describe the development of coagulopathy, usually with an international normalized ratio (INR) of greater than 1.5, and any degree of mental alteration (encephalopathy) in a patient without preexisting cirrhosis and with an illness of less than 26 weeks' duration.

Acute liver failure is a broad term that encompasses both fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) and subfulminant hepatic failure (or late-onset hepatic failure). Fulminant hepatic failure is generally used to describe the development of encephalopathy within 8 weeks of the onset of symptoms in a patient with a previously healthy liver. Subfulminant hepatic failure is reserved for patients with liver disease for up to 26 weeks before the development of hepatic encephalopathy.

There are important differences between FHF in children and FHF in adults. For example, in children with FHF, encephalopathy may be absent, late, or unrecognized. For a full discussion of the diagnosis and management of pediatric FHF, see Fulminant Hepatic Failure. The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases has produced guidelines  on the management of acute liver failure in adults.[1]

Some patients with previously unrecognized chronic liver disease decompensate and present with liver failure; although this is not technically FHF, discriminating such at the time of presentation may not be possible. Patients with Wilson disease, vertically acquired hepatitis B, or autoimmune hepatitis may be included in spite of the possibility of cirrhosis if their disease has been manifest for less than 26 weeks.

The most important step in the assessment of patients with acute liver failure is to identify the cause, as certain causes demand immediate and specific treatment (see Workup). Drug-related hepatotoxicity, especially from acetaminophen, is the leading cause of acute liver failure in the United States (see Etiology).

The most important aspect of treatment is to provide good intensive care support. Careful attention should be paid to fluid management and hemodynamics. Monitoring of metabolic parameters, surveillance for infection, maintenance of nutrition, and prompt recognition of gastrointestinal bleeding are crucial (see Treatment and Management).

Various medications may be necessary because of the variety of complications that occur from fulminant hepatic failure. In specific cases, antidotes that effectively bind or eliminate toxins are essential (see Medication).

The development of liver support systems provides some promise for patients with FHF, although it remains a temporary measure and, to date, has no impact on survival. Other investigational therapeutic modalities, including hypothermia, have been proposed but remain unproven.[2, 3]

The outcome of acute liver failure is related to the etiology, the degree of encephalopathy, and related complications (see Prognosis). Although mortality from FHF remains significantly high, improved intensive care and use of orthotopic liver transplantation have improved survival from less than 20% to approximately 60%.[4, 5]

For patient education information, see eMedicine's Hepatitis Center  and Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Center , as well as Hepatitis A , Hepatitis B , Hepatitis C , and Cirrhosis 

lundi 20 août 2012

How many cups that must drink of water a day

How much water should you drink each day? It's a simple question with no easy answers. Studies have produced varying recommendations over the years, but in truth, your water needs depend on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live.

Although no single formula fits everyone, knowing more about your body's need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day.

Health benefits of water

  Functions of water in the body
Water is your body's principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every system in your body depends on water. For example, water flushes toxins out of vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your body to carry out normal functions. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you tired.

How much water do you need?

Every day you lose water through your breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. For your body to function properly, you must replenish its water supply by consuming beverages and foods that contain water.

So how much fluid does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.

What about the advice to drink eight glasses a day?

Everyone has heard the advice, "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." That's about 1.9 liters, which isn't that different from the Institute of Medicine recommendations. Although the "8 by 8" rule isn't supported by hard evidence, it remains popular because it's easy to remember. Just keep in mind that the rule should be reframed as: "Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day," because all fluids count toward the daily tota

The role of water in the body

Water is clearly the most important nutrient and the most abundant substance in the human body.  Water comprises about three quarters of the human mass and is a major component in every cell.  In addition water is important to human health for many reasons including but not limited to the following:

• Water is needed to separate (by a process called hydrolysis) a phosphate group from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to get energy as illustrated by the following equations.

ATP +H2O = Energy + ADP + Inorganic Phosphate
GTP +H2O = Energy + GDP + Inorganic Phosphate

All energy from food is used to generate ATP or GTP before its energy can be used by the human body, which makes water crucial to all energy usage by the human body.

Water is the containing medium for electrolytes and all other ions throughout the human body.

Some of these ions help to form electrical pathways for nerve functions.

Being 2% dehydrated can seriously degrade physical and mental functions.

Being 15% dehydrated is likely to be lethal.

Unlike vitamin deficiencies which can take weeks to make someone ill, a water deficiency can kill in days or even hours.

Water is also very important for removing toxins from the human body.  The body has four major ways of removing toxins which are:

Processing of toxins by the liver

The first three of these four methods directly excrete water from the body.  When dehydrated, the body will try to save water by minimizing the use of the first three functions and will force the liver to assume as much of the workload as possible.  This extra work will place a heavy burden on the liver which still has other functions in addition to detoxification.  Even then, the liver by itself will not be able to do all that work very efficiently and toxins will build up rapidly. 

Water is also important to fitness and fat loss for several reasons including the following:

Water fills us up without adding any calories.
Dehydration will degrade a person’s ability to exercise and burn calories.
Dehydration will reduce protein synthesis which is needed to build or repair muscles.

It is normally recommended to drink about 2 to 3 quarts of water per day.  However, this will vary with the size and activity level of the person as well as with the climate conditions.  Either case, if your urine is bright yellow, then you need to drink more water.  Also, anyone who exercises nonstop for more than 1 hour should consider replacing electrolytes along with the water.  This is to avoid hyponatremia (depleted sodium) or other forms of severe electrolyte depletion which can be dangerous. 

Food supplements

FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients under a different set of regulations than those covering "conventional" foods and drug products (prescription and Over-the-Counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement or dietary ingredient manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement or ingredient is safe before it is marketed. FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements.* Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading. Under the FDA Final Rule 21 CFR 111, all domestic and foreign companies that manufacture, package, label or hold dietary supplement, including those involved with testing, quality control, and dietary supplement distribution in the U.S., must comply with the Dietary Supplement Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPS) for quality control. In addition, the manufacturer, packer, or distributor whose name appears on the label of a dietary supplement marketed in the United States is required to submit to FDA all serious adverse event reports associated with use of the dietary supplement in the United States.

What to Eat This Summer

Summer Vegetables

  • Beets. Stem, wash, peel, thinly slice, lightly salt, and toss onto salads. Or roast them for a sweet and simple side dish: In a baking dish, bake clean, unpeeled beets at 400 degrees Fahrenheit until easily pierced with a knife. You can also eat the greens. Just wash, chop, steam for a few minutes, sauté in olive oil until tender, season with salt and pepper, and serve.
  • Broccoli. Broccoli-cheddar soup is always good. Or steam the florets and throw into a whole-grain wrap with barbequed onions (see instructions below), avocado, and sprouts.
  • Cauliflower. Steam and top with butter and a dash of salt.
  • Celery. Pair it with peanut butter for a healthy and satisfying snack. To lure children to try some, make "ants on a log" by placing a few raisins on top of the peanut butter.
  • Cucumbers. Wow your party guests with this one: Slice the cucumber into rounds, and stack with tomatoes, a leaf of basil, and a wedge of fresh mozzarella. Or try cold cucumber soup as an appetizer.
  • Eggplant. This purple plant is great on the grill: Just slice, brush both sides with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and grill until tender. Make extra and refrigerate the leftovers to use as a pizza topping, on sandwiches, or in soups.
  • Green beans. Fresh green beans are simple to prepare: Clean and snap-off ends. Steam until tender and toss with sautéed onions and olive oil. Add salt and pepper to taste. 
  • Onions. Try these yummy barbequed onions: Slice onion into rings and sauté them in olive oil until tender. Mix in a few tablespoons of your favorite barbeque sauce. Add barbequed onions to a sandwich or wrap with avocado, lettuce, and shredded chicken for a quick lunch.
  • Peppers. Peppers are delicious when roasted: Slice in half lengthwise, seed, rinse and brush heavily with olive oil. Place skin-side-up on a baking sheet. Smash the peppers to flatten before putting them into a 400 degree oven to roast for 10-20 minutes. Take them out, stack them, and allow them to rest for another 15 minutes. Then peel them by scraping the skin off with a spoon. Eat roasted peppers plain, or add them to salads, pastas, pizzas or sandwiches.
  • Potatoes. Small new potatoes are delicious when simply boiled until tender and topped with grated cheese, plain yogurt, and diced green onions.
  • Summer squash. Slice and sauté in olive oil, and drizzle with soy sauce. Toss with pasta and grated parmesan cheese.
  • Tomatoes. Fresh, raw tomatoes are delicious in salads and as an appetizer: Wash and cut into thick slices. Top each slice with a drizzle of olive oil, fresh basil leaves, and a slice of mozzarella cheese.  
  • Zucchini. Use the suggestions for summer squash, above, or boil them whole until tender, allow to cool somewhat, then cut them in half length-wise and scoop out the pulp. Combine with sautéed onions, whole wheat breadcrumbs, salt and pepper and an egg to hold it together, and stuff the skins. Top with grated cheese and bake until the cheese is bubbly and golden.